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Wills and Estate planning are not subjects most people like to talk about or deal with.  In fact, a large majority of Canadians do not have a Will or proper Estate plan in place.  Dying without a Will, or with one that is out of date risks needless taxation, legal challenges, loss of money, delays, and can cause the disruption of surviving family members until matters are settled.   ven individuals with a small Estate can benefit from proper planning.  To have your assets passed on in a timely manner to your children/beneficiaries it is imperative that you have a proper Will and Estate plan in place to ensure that your wishes are followed.

Please feel free to review the subsections to the right for further information and assistance and also be advised that the first half hour consultation in our offices will be free of charge.  Please contact our offices for your appointment today.


What is a Will and What is its Importance?

A Will is a legal document, signed in accordance with specific rules and witnessed with respect to specific rules, that ensures that your wishes are carried out with minimum delay and expense upon your death.

Power of Attorney

What is a Power of Attorney?

A power of attorney is a legal document that gives one or more people the power to manage your financial affairs.


What is an Executor?

The Executor/Executrix (male/female) is an individual, corporation, or institution that you name specifically in your Will and who is responsible for administering your Estate.

Estate Planning

Estate Planning

Estate planning is a process which ensures that your assets are distributed in accordance with your particular wishes.

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